nyxotype's latest release Kaa provides an extremely sensual listen with an alluring spoken word monologue perfectly entwined with delicate, tonal electronics. The recording slithers along with mesmerising simplicity, the percussive elements creating a trance-like spine to the watery and veiled backdrop. Slinky and sinister, the piece is a great addition to the German artist's repertoire. For the full sonic experience, I would highly recommend listening to this under headphones.
nyxotype's latest release Kaa provides an extremely sensual listen with an alluring spoken word monologue perfectly entwined with delicate, tonal electronics. The recording slithers along with mesmerising simplicity, the percussive elements creating a trance-like spine to the watery and veiled backdrop. Slinky and sinister, the piece is a great addition to the German artist's repertoire. For the full sonic experience, I would highly recommend listening to this under headphones.